June, 2012

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Groovy, well, is just groovy.

Friday, June 15th, 2012

At some point in your programming career, you will probably need to use an MD5 hash. Most likely just to get the hash for a password.

One of the simplest ways is to use groovy. Here is the code. Don’t even need to put it in the download section. Just copy the code to a file and run it.

import java.security.MessageDigest

srcWord = "password"

if (args.length > 0) {
	srcWord = args[0]

println "src: " + srcWord
MessageDigest md5Digest;
byte[] digest;

println "\n****************************************\n"

/* MD5 Code */
md5Digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
digest = md5Digest.digest();

// println "new BigInteger(1,digest).toString(): " + new BigInteger(1,digest).toString()
println "MD5: " + new BigInteger(1,digest).toString(16)
println "MD5/B64: " + digest.encodeBase64().toString()

println "\n****************************************\n"

/* Now do the same thing for SHA-1 */
md5Digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
digest = md5Digest.digest();
// println "src: " + srcWord
// println "new BigInteger(1,digest).toString(): " + new BigInteger(1,digest).toString()
println "SHA-1: " + new BigInteger(1,digest).toString(16)
println "SHA-1/B64: " + digest.encodeBase64().toString()

println "\n****************************************\n"

/* Now do the same thing for SHA-256 */
md5Digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
digest = md5Digest.digest();
// println "src: " + srcWord
// println "new BigInteger(1,digest).toString(): " + new BigInteger(1,digest).toString()
println "SHA-256: " + new BigInteger(1,digest).toString(16)
println "SHA-256/B64: " + digest.encodeBase64().toString()

println "\n****************************************\n"

/* Now do the same thing for SHA-512 */
md5Digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
digest = md5Digest.digest();
// println "src: " + srcWord
// println "new BigInteger(1,digest).toString(): " + new BigInteger(1,digest).toString()
println "SHA-512: " + new BigInteger(1,digest).toString(16)
println "SHA-412/B64: " + digest.encodeBase64().toString()

println "\n****************************************\n"

UCM: Search, GetFile, Checkin with PL/SQL

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

“Proof of concept” programming in many cases is the first draft of a finished product. Several of my starter programs are in the download section of this blog. They are PL/SQL programs that demonstrate simple Checkin, GetFile, and Search functionality. Besides using RIDC, when needing to retrieve content or Check-in content, these little programs can really help.

These are just proof of concept programs, so you will need to add any additional logging. Also, this program uses functionality originally found in flex_ws_api. This can be found on Jason Straub’s blog. Flex_ws_api has also been incorporated into Oracle’s Application Express in the APEX_WEB_SERVICE API. This code has also found its way into Alexandria, a PL/SQL Utils library.

With just a few additional lines of code, you can pull documents out of a database, and check them into UCM. All with PL/SQL code.