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Jumble revisited

Saturday, November 21st, 2015

Here is a jumble example in Perl.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Algorithm::FastPermute ('permute');
use Text::Aspell;
my $arg = shift or die "takes one arg";
my @arg = split(//,$arg);
my $speller = Text::Aspell->new;

permute {
	if ($speller->check(join("",@arg))) {
		print "@arg\n";
} @arg;

UCM: Search, GetFile, Checkin with PL/SQL

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

“Proof of concept” programming in many cases is the first draft of a finished product. Several of my starter programs are in the download section of this blog. They are PL/SQL programs that demonstrate simple Checkin, GetFile, and Search functionality. Besides using RIDC, when needing to retrieve content or Check-in content, these little programs can really help.

These are just proof of concept programs, so you will need to add any additional logging. Also, this program uses functionality originally found in flex_ws_api. This can be found on Jason Straub’s blog. Flex_ws_api has also been incorporated into Oracle’s Application Express in the APEX_WEB_SERVICE API. This code has also found its way into Alexandria, a PL/SQL Utils library.

With just a few additional lines of code, you can pull documents out of a database, and check them into UCM. All with PL/SQL code.

APEX-O-MATIC – In a Blender with APEX and Web Services

Monday, November 1st, 2010

That’s the title of my accepted presentation at RMOUG 2011. I thought it was fun to come up with that one! Hope to see you there!

RMOUG Training Days 2011, February 15-17, in Denver, Colorado

See paper on Downloads page!

Oracle Portlets with multiple datasources

Friday, March 12th, 2010

I just finished creating an updated portlet for work. There were two changes that were needed, data from two different database instances and the format was changed to use <dt> and <dd> tags. This allows for a rolling scrollable format to be defined by a cascading style sheet.

I thought this would take a couple of hours, so estimated this at about four hours to complete. Now I’m finished, and it is six hours after starting. So what went wrong? The biggest mistake that I made was not really understanding what happens when the files are bundled up for deployment. When creating the two separate model projects, I used the same name for the package name. I was using different names for the model projects, so no problem, right? Wrong! When the files get packaged, the package names are used in a combined classes directory. Since I have two different bc4j.xcfg files defined, one of them gets clobbered and I get an obscure jbo oracle error.

If you are using multiple models in a project, just use a unique package name for each one, and things will go much better for you! Though, it might still take six hours instead of two…

Favorite Linux Command

Thursday, December 31st, 2009
find . -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \;