UCM website launch was delayed until September 6th. Now that there are containers and departments are responsible for their own data, the launch progress came to a crawl. People are finally realizing that there is work involved in owning your own data. What a surprise… NOT!
Still working full speed+ on the website, and it is looking good. Now if we could only speed up the searches!
So far, the best piece I coded was the lunch menu display. I used two jQuery plugins: A calendar component, and prettyPhoto. I display the food being served each day in schools in the jQuery calendar plugin. The data was created in an APEX application to populate the backend tables. A little materialized view magic later, and the data is available as a JSON feed from a service call to UCM using the IsJson=1 parameter on the service. I use pretty photo to display a list of food properties (similar to the side panel of a cereal box), and a graphic – also fed by a UCM service call. I’ll post the code for the calendar and popup display with a mockup JSON file for data in a few days. I spent way to much time getting this just right. Better to do a job right the first time, then to spend additional days, sometimes weeks coding again…