This may be a little off topic, but I was on a team to help resolve a performance issue with Moodle using Oracle for the backend database. The following is part of the solution that was found.
Changing the CLOB datatype to VARCHAR2(4000) in the m_config database table provided the most help. The following links were the resources I found to point this out.
Using SQLDeveloper, I performed the following actions to the data after stopping the Apache Web server.
create table m_config_original as (select * from m_config); drop table m_config; CREATE TABLE M_CONFIG ( ID NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL ENABLE, NAME VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) NOT NULL ENABLE, VALUE VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) NOT NULL ENABLE ); insert into m_config (select * from m_config_original);
Restart the Apache web server
With this single change, the pages displayed in 2/3 less time based on
the original display time. This was a significant amount – 15 seconds
down to 5 seconds.
Additional Notes:
Before applying the changes to the m_config table, I needed to determine
if the oci8 driver was the main problem. I was able to verify that the
OCI8 driver was not the issue by running the following test page on the
moodle server. Here is the PHP code:
<?php # Sample code for make connection with Oracle Database and send simple DDL,DML and query commands from oci8 extension. # Database instance: fuju # host name : # lintener port number : 1521 # user : scott # Password : tiger # You can connect to database server from this program without setting tnsnames.ora. # fuju at exizilla dot net, Jan10,2002 # Modified from original of " " print "<HTML><PRE>"; # Sample connection string, use your own values before testing # $db = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=fuju)))"; $c1 = ocilogon("username","password",$db); $c2 = ocilogon("username","password",$db); function create_table($conn) { $stmt = ociparse($conn,"create table hellotable (hellocol varchar2(64))"); ociexecute($stmt); echo $conn." created hellotable\n\n"; } function drop_table($conn) { $stmt = ociparse($conn,"drop table hellotable"); ociexecute($stmt); echo $conn." dropped hellotable\n\n"; } function insert_data($conn) { $stmt = ociparse($conn,"insert into hellotable values('$conn' || ' ' || to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'))"); ociexecute($stmt,OCI_DEFAULT); echo $conn." inserted hellotable\n\n"; } function delete_data($conn) { $stmt = ociparse($conn,"delete from hellotable"); ociexecute($stmt,OCI_DEFAULT); echo $conn." deleted hellotable\n\n"; } function commit($conn) { ocicommit($conn); echo $conn." committed\n\n"; } function rollback($conn) { ocirollback($conn); echo $conn." rollback\n\n"; } function select_data($conn) { $stmt = ociparse($conn,"select * from hellotable"); ociexecute($stmt,OCI_DEFAULT); echo $conn."----selecting\n\n"; while (ocifetch($stmt)) echo $conn." <".ociresult($stmt,"TEST").">\n\n"; echo $conn."----done\n\n"; } # start Main program echo "<h3> Start :: Simple oci8 extension functions test </h3><p><hr><p>"; create_table($c1); insert_data($c1); // Insert a row using c1 insert_data($c2); // Insert a row using c2 select_data($c1); // Results of both inserts are returned select_data($c2); rollback($c1); // Rollback using c1 select_data($c1); // Both inserts have been rolled back select_data($c2); insert_data($c2); // Insert a row using c2 commit($c2); // commit using c2 select_data($c1); // result of c2 insert is returned delete_data($c1); // delete all rows in table using c1 select_data($c1); // no rows returned select_data($c2); // no rows returned commit($c1); // commit using c1 select_data($c1); // no rows returned select_data($c2); // no rows returned drop_table($c1); print "</PRE></HTML>"; echo "<hr><h3> End :: Simple oci8 extension functions test </h3>"; ?>
This test confirmed that the OCI8 driver was functioning correctly and
was not the problem.
With this change, performance improved by reducing the time to display pages by 67%!